And The Winners Are …

We were so honored to have the incredible Kevin Frilet and Nicolas Petris, two talented French movie producers, visit our centre at Chba Ampoev. They are here making a documentary about Tiny Toones Founder, Tuy Sobil – better known as ‘KK’, and his influence on the hip hop and dance community in Cambodia.
KK started breakdancing at 8 years old in Long Beach, California. When he was deported to Cambodia in 2004, he brought his dancing experience and skills to Phnom Penh, where Tiny Toones was born. KK’s influence in Cambodia’s hip hop culture is undeniable and through his resilience and reputation, he not onl started this centre but also started breakdancing championships, international breakdancing competitions, and much, much more.
We, Tiny Toones, are so excited about this documentary. Although we are only in the beginning stages right now, once it is complete it will be featured in Radikal Magazine or @RadiKal_Magazine (on Instagram) and beyond.